Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Very Excited!!

Yes, the ball will be dropping in a few hours...
Yes, a brand spankin' New Year is upon us...
And while those are reasons to be excited, it's not THE reason!

Today was the first paycheck with my Deluxe Envelope System (in HOT!! RED).

I had so much fun at the bank taking out my envelope cash. Once through with niceties, I scooped up my cash and found a dark corner in the produce department - right next to the cucumbers.

I carefully reviewed my notes; ensuring the correct amount of money went into the designated envelopes. I was in heaven.

The grocery store was C.R.A.Z.Y. I did the best I could... this was just a mini shop; I had $60.00 to spend. I used my grocery list, wrote down the dollar amount and checked off each item as I went.

I spent 10 minutes in line (the front end was packed; we were like a herd of cows waiting to be let out to pasture). Once at the front of the line, the cashier dropped my 2-liter of soda. I asked the carry-out if he could grab me another. He agreed. This was my chance to bag my groceries how I liked them bagged. The gentleman behind me to the opportunity to take my place at the register. I was trying to pay the cashier from the front of the bagging station. My total? $60.30. WHAT? $0.30 over budget? With my calculator? And a list? I thank the workers, wished them a 'Happy New Year' and went on my way. Right to the Customer Service desk. I had a coupon for a free item, and I wanted my cash back (since I was pushed out of line and all). So I wasn't over budget after all! Whew.

Now... the $3.00? My horoscope said that today is my lucky day for a job offer or cash! So, I played the lottery for the LAST TIME! Promise. Never again. ;)
Keep your fingers, toes & eyes crossed for us; the job offer never came - it MUST be the lottery!

So... bottom line. I LOVE MY ENVELOPE SYSTEM (and yes, I am shouting!)

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Work was slow today, so I decided to create a spending log. I would really love to see what I spent this year. I will update each day and base it off of my checkbook and envelopes.

See below:

Click on the picture to get a larger view.
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2009 is going to be a fabulous year for my family. I am going to make sure. Not only do we have goals based on our personal finances, we also want to enjoy each other and everything that 2009 brings us.
* We want to get fit (exercise and eating right!)
* We want to spend one Saturday a month on a small road trip (i.e. going sledding, visiting the lake, or a trip to the zoo or museum). Our goal is to only spend the $60 allotted for our Entertainment envelope.
* We want to get and stay organized at home.
* We want to bake more together.
There you have it - just a few more things to accomplish this year. I will keep you updated.
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From our family to yours - Happy New Year!

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